About ProjectDeck

Simplify your management landscape with ProjectDeck, a unified management system crafted for the construction and industrial sectors' unique demands. Overcome the chaos of scattered paperwork, disjointed spreadsheets, and cumbersome software by centralizing all your project needs into one streamlined solution. ProjectDeck eradicates the complications arising from using multiple systems, which often lead to data discrepancies, misplaced records, and exhaustive manual entry. At the heart of ProjectDeck's prowess are seven strategic use cases, each pivotal to the sectors it serves: Project Management streamlines planning and execution; Contract Management safeguards agreements and compliance; Site Management enhances on-ground operational efficiency; Quality Management upholds standards and excellence; Safety Management prioritizes the well-being of personnel; Environmental Management ensures sustainability and regulatory adherence; and Asset Management optimizes the lifespan and value of your investments. ProjectDeck is for a wide array of professionals. Contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, asset owners, and consultants can all harness ProjectDeck's potential, making it the versatile cornerstone for any management strategy. Unify your team's workflow on a single platform, ensuring precision in data and coherence in communication for both onsite and office teams. Moreover, ProjectDeck is designed to scale with your organization—whether you're a growing startup or a large enterprise—providing a seamless experience that evolves with your business. ProjectDeck extends its functionality at no cost for external collaborators, while offering cost-effective subscription options for internal stakeholders, making the transition to a paperless environment both feasible and economical for your organisation.
ProjectDeck Software - ProjectDeck Home page
ProjectDeck Software - ProjectDeck Template Deployment
ProjectDeck Software - ProjectDeck Charting
ProjectDeck Software - ProjectDeck Defect Management Template
ProjectDeck Software - ProjectDeck MS 365 Integration
ProjectDeck video
ProjectDeck Software - ProjectDeck Home page - thumbnail
ProjectDeck Software - ProjectDeck Template Deployment - thumbnail
ProjectDeck Software - ProjectDeck Charting - thumbnail
ProjectDeck Software - ProjectDeck Defect Management Template - thumbnail
ProjectDeck Software - ProjectDeck MS 365 Integration - thumbnail

ProjectDeck pricing

ProjectDeck has a free version and offers a free trial. ProjectDeck paid version starts at US$35.00/month.

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ProjectDeck Reviews for UK Users

Feature rating

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Customer Support
1 review
  • Industry: Construction
  • Company size: 2–10 Employees
  • Used Weekly for 6-12 months
  • Review Source
Value for Money
Ease of Use
Customer Support

Reviewed on 14/12/2022

Brilliant for managing multiple projects

Very positive. Projectdeck is easy to implement alongside existing business systems. the core functionality provides control and compliance of projects, whilst making project managers work more efficiently


The core of projectdeck is all about standard project deliverables templates held within standard project lifecycles. Existing company forms in MS word or Excel can be embedded within a project lifecycle and the projectdeck form builder provides a quick way to standardise project tasks that would otherwise be uncontrolled. For the people delivering the projects, having all project management tasks held in a single location makes things quicker and simpler to do.


Nothing. Obviously there is always opportunity to enhance the product with additional features and the projectdeck team have a roadmap of some great sounding additions coming soon, such as improved document management and cost management.

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